Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buzz Appeals

The No Stank You campaign in Washington has teens trying to get the t-shirts and make it into the commercials. The non smoking campaign is popular with kids and teens and features local kids. The t-shirts features the message and are kind of an unexpected place to see marketing. The shirts are not just a fad among you people, but a popular item that conveys an important message.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mass Appeals through Advertising

This is a link to a Juicy Fruit commercial on You Tube. The commercial is an advertisement that will reach a lot of people, which is why it is categorized as a mass appeal. I liked the commercial and thought I would put it on here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


When I was snowboarding at the Summit at Snowqualmie this winter I saw this car (found this picture online later). I thought it was a good example of promotions. They were there at the mountain with a similar Red Bull car handing out free Red Bull to people. Overall I thought it was a great promotion for the drink. It really reached people. After all free stuff and out of the ordinary cars will always catch peoples attention.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I saw this value last time I was at Dairy Queen. I think it provides pretty good deals for people on a budget. I have seen value menu's at other fast food restaurants in the past, but this one at Dairy Queen was new to me. Pricing like this gets people to buy stuff because it appears to be cheaper.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marketing Services

One characteristic of a marketing service is perishability. This is often an issue for restaurants. There is a Cow Chip cookie place near where I live. They sell fresh cookies that are very good, and their specialty is large cookies, called "cow chips". Because the cookies cannot be sold at a later date, if you go in about 20 minutes before they close you can get a great discount on all of the cookies that are left for the day! This helps to solve the issue of perishability and brings in more customers.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Managing Product Lines

The brand Gatorade has been around for years. It is a familiar product to athletes and the general population. For as long as I can remember Gatorade has sported the same symbol and brand name. Recently, Gatorade has changed this symbol. Now the bottle is called "G", with Gatorade written in small lettering. There is a new brand identity that the company is creating for Gatorade.The new bottle of Gatorade's new lower calorie version of the drink is shown on the left, with the classic Gatorade symbol on the left. Both still feature the lightning bolt, although it is difficult to tell from the picture.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Creating New Innovative Products

I thought that the new product, Listerine Agent Cool Blue is an innovative way to get kids to keep their teeth and mouth clean. The product is used before brushing and tints kids teeth blue so they pay more attention to where they brush and make sure that they get everywhere clean.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Target Marketing

Target marketing strategy is where the larger market is divided into segments based on consumer characteristics. Products are then developed based on the specific needs of this group. An advertisement like the one above placed in snowboard magazine would be perfect for reaching a specific target audience. Rather than reaching a lot of people that are not interested, they are reaching the specific group.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Business to Business Marketing

Intel is an example of a company that produces it's products to sell to other businesses. In this ad, they are encouraging businesses to use Intel based computers in their office. Intel would also use marketing to sell their products to companies such as Dell and HP.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Consumer Behavior

Consumers often purchase items as a status symbol. This is something that is visible to others and shows that they are of higher social class or at least have an item that is. Some common examples of this include ugg boots, North Face jackets and coach purses. Above are examples of each.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Marketing Research

There are many websites out there that conduct online questionnaires. One example of this is the website This website is an online opinion panel that conducts research on everything from shopping habits to upcoming television shows. Members of the site are contacted through companies where they shop and asked to join. Once a member, people can gain points to earn prizes. This type of online questionnaire is good because it allows for instant data collection, is low cost and you can use visuals. This is just one example of possible data collection methods in the research process.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strategic Market Planning

With the current fad of "going green", people every
where are looking for ways to have a green lifestyle. With these ads that I found in an issue of Cosmopolitan magazine, e-bay is promoting the green lifestyle, while also promoting themselves.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Intorduction to Marketing

I thought that this bag was a cool way of marketing and promoting the company. I think it can be considered part of the packaging in the 4 p's. Rather than just having a bag that says the companys name they used this more creative strategy that is very eye catching and different.